
Why the Bow tie

To wear a bow tie shows there is something different about yourself. There is an immediate perception that this person is authentic, intentional, and capable. Let's unpack how this connects to youth ministry.

First, clip-on bow ties are not allowed. Never -- ever! Clip-on bow ties are simply too easy and a fake to the real thing. In ministry, we want Bible studies and the atmosphere of a group and space to facilitate legitimacy.

Second, the ability to tie a bow tie shows a capacity to do something many others cannot. Often the response when hearing that the bow tie is indeed a real one and I personally tied it is "really, impressive!" First and early impressions to our ministry speak to how students and families will view us, what we say, and how we lead. A well-packaged look of space, materials, and content speaks volumes to how they will anticipate the experience.

Theme-based ministry is a way to tie the ministry all together for a time period whether this is a ministry year, semester, or retreat. Focus and direction are given.


Meet Jamie

One of the best compliments I've ever received was when a family with kids the same age of our children asked about us. Would we be okay to have their kids play with our kids at our house. Legitimate questions and concerns in our day and time. This family is a part of a sister church in our city. Their youth minister said of me, "Jamie wore bow ties before they were cool." 

I took my colleague's words as gold. To say I wore a bow tie before they became a fad said that I'm authentic, intentional, and capable. I've never spiked or bleached my hair, wore skinny jeans or grown a long beard. What I have always sought is to be a minister who leads ministry that is relevent, well-organized, and relational. I'm not saying folks that have bleached hair, skinny jeans or long beards are not these things. 

I've been in vocational ministry over 23 years. The past 10+ years have been at First Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. Along with serving at this strong and amazing congregation, I serve as a ministry coach and consultant. I am married to my wonderful wife Hope. We have two kids and a black lab (world's best dog).


Meet Sarah

Jamie and I have worked together for over a decade. I'm the designer who brings the visual to his vision. I am deeply committed to understanding and embracing a youth minister's dreams so I can communicate it to their students, parents, and community. 

I don't wear a bow tie (though I love rocking bright colors!), but I do wear many (figurative) hats. I am wife to a clever engineer, mama to four lovely children, freelance designer, amateur chef, and expert to-do-lister. I love being able to design for students as they are some of my favorite people to spend time with. I desire to create art that is authentic, attention-grabbing and easy to relate to. 

I've run my own design business for fifteen plus years and been involved in art since I could hold a crayon. Creativity gives me a way to honor God and helps me process day-to-day life. I love that I can do a job that ties together my love for Christ and making truth look awesome.